Verizon's BlackBerry Storm pre-launch details surface

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Further proving that there is at least one VZW employee out there who really likes leaking BlackBerry Storm details, CrackBerry has managed to get their hands on the BlackBerry Storm pre-launch marketing sheet.

Now, don’t get too excited when you see the words “Launch Date” next to “9/17/08”; Verizon is not going to surprise everyone and release the Storm today. Those dates are for marketing campaign launches, indicating that Verizon plans to begin waving the Storm in front of everyone’s face from today on.

Besides detailing what kind of junk the salesfolk will be pushing on you during the transaction, the only meaty morsel here is the upgrade eligibility date: November 1st, 08. It’d be pretty tough to upgrade to a handset that isn’t on the shelves yet, so as long as Verizon stays on their game we can expect to see the Storm on the first of November.

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