Get you some free eWallet

The kind cats at Ilium Software are offering ten free copies of eWallet to ten lucky readers.

eWallet lets you secure your personal information in a single file which can be accessed on your mobile device. Whether its PIN numbers, bank account information, passwords, or credit card numbers, the vast majority of us have an ever-expanding amount of confidential information that we need to keep secure and conveniently accessible on our fingertips. eWallet 6.0 allows you to password-protect your personal information letting mobile device users store information in a safe and secure electronic wallet.

How do you win?

Head over to Ilium Software and find out how long Ilium Software has been marketing, selling, and supporting eWallet. The first ten right answers gets eWallet in the version of their choosing including WinMo 6.1, iPhone/Touch, and Palm OS. Email your answer to with the subject line “eWallet.”

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