Blowback from the Green Offensive

Green marketing may be hitting a saturation point. At least, I’ve come to think that at some point it will. Is it now? I don’t know. It just seems to me that all marketing pushes eventually run out of gas. I would hate to see Green-thinking fall away as just another fad, because advertisers shoved it down our collective throat.

There’s an article going on over at PC World that touches upon some of these issues – at least as to how it relates to IT infrastructure. Aside from a somewhat odd diversion into the superiority of the diesel engine, the author makes a case for the need to take a more holistic approach to Green thinking. Apparently, servers have been getting all the play in the Green department, and Green initiatives have impacted the bottom line. Green usually does come at a premium. The article seems to conclude that if there is a resistance to energy-friendly tech, the problem may lie in the fact that people are not seeing any results due to their actions.

At least that’s what I took away from it. Spend more money on the latest equipment, and power costs still run up. Therefore: Why bother? However, the point of the article was to show that storage energy efficiency could be improved through “better utilization and reducing the number of spindles.” So, yes, we can still bother by taking additional steps. Like so many other things in life, ignore the marketing push.

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