SpikeSource Empowers Long Tail ISV's

Today SpikeSource, an open source-focused software verification company, has announced that their software certification service has been gaining significant traction amongst independent software vendors (ISV’s). The company has been heavily funded by Intel , and is now powering the system that certifies ISV applications before they are made available in the Intel Business Exchange.

The platform gives ISV’s the ability to develop applications on a custom stack, complete with a set of pre-tested components that ensure security and interoperability. It also enables ISV’s to leverage advanced Intel technology such as multi-core processing in the development process to produce scalability, reduce support costs, and accelerate the time into market. ISV’s using the service boast an Intel branded certification badge to attest to the quality of their product.

The platform is currently in use by over 100 ISV’s, primarily in the security, networking, telecommunications, and enterprise markets. SpikeSource’s Jamshed Patel claims that they are currently focusing on expansion into foreign markets, and eventually plan on designing packages for vertical market segments.

The service has potential to be enormously helpful. Alternative deployment services are generally highly manual and program driven rather than technology driven, leaving a majority of the work to the ISV’s. It should be of huge help to long tail software companies trying to penetrate the market.

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