Thank You TechCrunch Sponsors

Sponsors make TechCrunch possible, and so we wish to thank the following sponsors for their support.

Seesmic, the video micro-blogging platform. Seesmic recently integrated its service with Link.Tv and announced that users can choose which of the six creative commons licenses they want to use when posting videos.

ServePath, the makers of GoGrid and other managed hosting, cloudware, and serving solutions

Codefortytwo, the maker of CrashPlanPro and other software

RackSpace, a provider of hosting services

eBuddy, web-services meta instant messenger

Logicworks, a hosting services provider

iDrive, the maker of web-based backup solutions

iNetU, a provider of managed hosting solutions

Geni, the premier web tool for bringing families together

BrightCove, an Internet TV Platform

MediaTemple, TechCrunch’s own hosting provider

SocialText, the maker of social software for businesses and organizations

3Tera, a provider of cloud computing services

Conduit, the makers of toolbars, including the CrunchBar

Interested in becoming a TechCrunch sponsor?

See details here or contact Dan Kimerling.

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