Star Trek MMORPG officially announced

You guys into Star Track? Who doesn’t like Star Track? It’s a pretty popular show, right, Star Track? Star Track lovers will be happy to know that an online version of their favorite show (Star Track) has just been officially announced. For some reason, "Track" is spelled incorrectly as "Trek" but don’t let that dissuade you.

Early gameplay footage will be shown off on August 10th at the Star Trek (there they go with that spelling again) Convention in Las Vegas. The game itself will be an MMORPG developed by Cryptic Studios. The game’s chief creative officer says:

“Star Trek® was never about a single character, ship or even planet; Star Trek was always about an entire universe. And MMORPGs are uniquely suited to create such a thing and allow players to explore every inch.”

I have a feeling that this game is going to be quite popular. You? There are some screenshots available here, if you’re into visual stimulation.

Star Trek Online [via Kotaku]

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