Skyfire browser and Symbian make sweet beta love

We’ve mentioned Skyfire before – they’re the ones aiming to hop in and face-punch all the other mobile browsers by doing everything the rest can’t; Flash, AJAX – all those fancy intertubes technologies generally reserved for desktop browsers.

After a $13 million funding round and a couple of roster expansions, Skyfire is all prepped for its Symbian launch – for beta testers, that is.

Sometime yesterday, Skyfire began passing out beta tickets to those who had signed up over the past few months. We haven’t actually found anyone in the beta so far, though, so no impressions just yet. If you made it in, feel free to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

If you’re totin’ an S60 third series device and want to check out Skyfire pre-launch, head on over to the beta signup page. It may be a while before they open the floodgates again, but its first-come-first-serve, so the sooner you sign up the better.

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