CrunchDeals: Complete ‘Deadwood’ series for $89.99

Sometimes I like to take a break from the cutthroat world of technology reporting to immerse myself in the moving and imaginative stories of a group of men and women from a simpler time of cutthroat…well…throat cutting, as it turns out.

I’ve you’ve never seen HBO’s Deadwood and you happen to be looking for a way to spend ninety bucks, you wouldn’t be disappointed to own the entire series. It only lasted three seasons but a lot of great shows only lasted three seasons; Deadwood, Arrested Development, and Family Guy, for instance. They brought Family Guy back eventually, though, and I hear it’s doing quite well.

Anyway, my point is that Deadwood was a great show and going outside during the summer is highly overrated. Enjoy!

Deadwood: The Complete Seasons 1-3 []

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