Boost picks up the ultra rugged Moto i335

Boost announced this morning that they’ll be carrying the rugged i335 handset, available immediately. It’s not exactly a visual stunner, but it can take a beating. The i335 is like the Donald Gibb of cell phones. You might not want him around when you’re flirtin’ with the ladies at the bar, but he’ll be the one that walks away unscratched when their boyfriends show up.

The i335 is built to military ruggedness standards, which should keep it tickin’ next time you drive away with it sitting on the roof of your car. It’s also got bluetooth, GPS, push to talk, and basic web/text/im capabilities. Not bad for $59.99 – it probably wouldn’t dethrone most of our reader’s current handsets, but its a perfectly valid alternative to bringing your smart phone out onto a construction site.

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