Kevin Rose, iPhone prognosteekater

Nigh on every year, come WWDC time, we all down at the farm get a visit from Kevin Rose. This elusive fella can usually be found rock climbing in Palo Alto but by garm if he ain’t also a perfect iPhone prognosticator. Sure the news and city folks come into town ever year to see if he foretells a $500 iPhone 3G in the next week or so, but us regular folk do love to look for the little guy ourselves and sometimes he comes early, not comin’ up for the DiggNation camera and instead coming up for the Seesmics down Sandhill way! Well Jeebus if he din’t done come up!

He’s like a member of our families these days — he’s thin, hairy, and his little nose just puckers up like a cornflower when he gets to sniffin’ afore he comes out of the old Rumorin’ Hole. Luckily, weun’s got ourselves some video of the little fella, sober as a judge, rumoratin’ away. Give it a looksee!

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