Instant Marketing Materials with BrandDoozie

BrandDoozie has launched a Flash-based tool for SMBs that want to create marketing materials without hiring a designer.

The tool’s 3-step process leads to branded sales sheets, postcards, business cards, and letterheads that can be downloaded in PDF format, and soon, ordered from professional printers as well.

You start by picking a general design from a gallery that’s divided into style categories like Professional Services, Healthcare, and Travel. Basic header fonts and colors can be tweaked, after which you move on to creating a two-lined logo with its own customized fonts, letter spacing, and sizes.

The final step takes your customizations and generates the aforementioned business materials with them. Default photos can swapped in and out (from either the site’s stock collection or up to 25mb of uploads), and the copy can be changed to suit your needs (add your phone number and other details to the business card, for example).

I used BrandDoozie to create a postcard for TechCrunch. See the three screenshots below for an illustration of the process.

All in all, this is a straightforward and useful publishing tool for small organizations that don’t demand much in terms of uniqueness and creativity. Anyone who’s remotely serious about creating a real brand, however, will need to look beyond BrandDoozie’s cookie-cutter approach.

Also see HP’s LogoMaker, which is a specialized DIY tool for creating logos.

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