3G LG Prada hits Japan next month: How does this relate to the iPhone?!?

Apple better release its 3G iPhone quick-like lest LG accuse it of “ripping it off” again. The South Korea-based electronics haus will release in Japan next month a 3G version of the Prada, a touchscreen cellphone that, according to LG, totally inspired the iPhone. Sure it did, LG. Sure it did.

Save for 3G, the cellphone, model L852i, is identical the to Prada we’re all familiar with: fancy, Adobe-developed UI, 2-megapixel camera, et cetera et cetera. The 3G support does mean, though, Japanese users will be able to video conference using the phone.

Slated for DoCoMo, the phone will cost around ¥85,000, or around $825. No, it’s not a mass market device.

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