Mobile Marriage In Scandinavia

The rumor of the day is that Danish mobile startup Imity is being acquired by Danish Mobile startup ZYB. This isn’t confirmed yet, but we’re hearing it from a solid source.

Imity is a mobile social network that locates people via the bluetooth feature on their handsets. It detects other members via bluetooth and send basic profile information to your phone. It also keeps track of people on its website, so you can check that out periodically from your normal computer. It bridges mobile and traditional social networks, which may help it gain critical mass. We first mentioned them last year.

ZYB is a much larger startup that originally helped users back up data on their mobile phone to the web. When they realized how much relationship data they had collected on users (who you know, via who is stored on your cell phone), they launched a social network of their own.

We don’t know the terms of the deal. ZYB has raised just €3M in capital, Imity raised nothing more than a friends and family round. But they are among the few networks to get real traction with users, and could eventually reach critical mass. We’re looking for confirmation from the company soon.

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