AT&T wants Panasonic to develop plasma screens for cellphones

We’ve been waiting for OLED to invade the marketplace, but it hasn’t yet. It will, sure, but Panasonic, with AT&T, have another idea, plasma.

Right now you can get a flat-panel HDTV in LCD or plasma, and they each have their strengths and weaknesses (which will be addressed in a future home theater feature), but one thing about plasma is that it’s got more vibrant color than LCD, which has better contrast and is cheaper to manufacture.

On a cellphone screen, though, plasma’s low-power design would actually make it a better choice than LCD for retaining a long battery life.

In addition a plasma vs. OLED war would bring out good ol’ price wars, so we win both ways. I love the future.

UPDATE – It’s a hoax.

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