Push To Classify Internet Addiction As a Mental Disorder

An editorial to be published in the American Journal of Psychiatry argues that Internet addiction is a common compulsive-impulsive disorder that should be added to psychiatry’s official guidebook of mental disorders.

Report author Dr. Block defines Internet addiction as including “excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations and e-mail/text messaging.” Block says that those suffering internet addiction experience cravings, urges, withdrawal and tolerance, requiring more and better equipment and software, or more and more hours online. Further, internet addicts can lose all track of time or neglect “basic drives,” like eating or sleeping; Relapse rates are high, and some people may need psychoactive medications or hospitalization.

Block’s definition is rather broad, but taken on face value would probably mean that most working in the Valley have a mental disorder. Time to invest in Pharma companies; let me just Twitter to see which one I should invest in, now should I use my iPhone or use my laptop and 3G broadband card that I carry everywhere so that I’m never offline…

(via Ottawa Citizen, image credit: drivebypress)

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