Who will run the show when Steve Jobs retires?

[photopress:ive_jonathan_a.jpg,full,left]Sure, it’s a little bit of fanboi raving, but the Mac Daily News has a pretty interesting read on the future of Apple should Stevie J decide to step down.

The basic gist is that Apple would be fine, it has plenty of smart people who could easily keep things going, but MDN thinks that John Ives, the father of the iPod, should take the helm.

Ives is, of course, the senior VP of industrial design, the guy who makes the iPhone so sexy. It’s his design and leadership that drives new Apple products, and his persona is very Jobsish. We agree with the MDN that Ives is the logical successor, though his lack of experience would likely send some investors running.

Apple CEO Jobs on successor, reiterates goal of 10 million iPhones this year [Mac Daily News]

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