Quintura Releases Site-Specific Search Cloud Widget

Quintura, a site where you can search the internet with the assistance of a keyword cloud, is releasing a widget that brings the same search cloud to individual websites.

Site owners can install the widget (shown below) and the search results will come only from their sites, or from a network of sites if they so choose. Search advertisements will show up in the cloud, and proceeds from click-throughs to those advertisements will be split with site owners.

If you’re interested in trying it out on your site, you can sign up here and Quintura will begin indexing your site and/or RSS feed. The cloud is customizable and so easily embeddable that visitors to your site will have the opportunity to embed the cloud for your site on their own.

As you can see below, the widget’s struggling a bit to search TechCrunch very effectively. It seems to generate a lot of results for tag pages, not actual articles, which isn’t terribly helpful. In my testing, the widget also loads only partially sometimes, which prevents the results themselves from actually showing.

var so = new SWFObject(“http://affiliates.quintura.com/flash/quintura.swf?refresh=0&partnerId=600&partnerTopic=TechCrunch&partnerURL=http%3A//techcrunch.com/&engine=http://affiliates.quintura.com&lng=en”,”mymovie”,”570″,”400″,”7″,”#FFFFFF”);so.addParam(“engine”, “http://affiliates.quintura.com” );so.addParam(“partnerId”,”600″);so.addParam(“partnerTopic”,”TechCrunch”);so.addParam(“firstRequest”, “”);so.addParam(“partnerURL”, “https://techcrunch.com/”);so.write(“EmbedFlashPreview”);

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