CrunchDeals: Incredible HDTV/PS3 package at Best Buy's website

[photopress:f_700tvps3_080224.jpg,full,left]So you’re getting your tax refund pretty soon, and you want to blow the whole wad on something fun for yourself. With Blu-ray winning the format war, why not a new PS3-based gaming system?

Best Buy has a suh-wheat deal on just such a set up. Not just the PS3, but a 40-inch LCD HDTV at 1080p, and the Blu-ray movie and PS3 game of your choice, including Geek Squad installation.

The Sony TV included retails for $1,899.99 at Best Buy, but this package all together costs $10 less than that, for a savings of $700. You essentially get a free PS3, game or movie, and install. Nice.

$700 off HDTV/PS3/Movie/Installation special [Best Buy]

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