Runtriz: How the housewives of the uber rich stay organized and inebriated

My vast collection of Trader Joe’s Two Buck Chuck and other fine wines is so disorganized that I don’t know what do do anymore nor do I know what the temperature is like or what my stocks are doing. Enter Runtriz. A touch screen-based system that catalogs your wine cellar, provides up to the minute news, weather and stock info all at your finger tips. No clue what to make for dinner? Don’t worry. Runtriz has a recipe feature to help you out and based on the recipe you choose, it automatically sends a text and/or e-mail so you know exactly what to get when you’re at the grocery store. Cool, huh?

The system is available in a 12- or 15-inch model that can be placed in any room throughout your home. Packages start out at $7,000 and can be customized to suit your needs. There’s also a monthly fee of $10 to keep the system up to date and programmed just for you.

Check out the site for a demo.

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