If you have a moment, you'd maybe like to nominate us for the Bloggies, yes?

The 2008 Bloggies are coming up, and there’s a prickly rumor that we’re a favorite for a couple of categories going around, but we’re not the types to sit back and just let things happen, so we’re being proactive. We’re asking you, our readers, to formerly nominate us.

We know, we know, it’s a bit gauche, and it is just a popularity contest and all, but we’re vain. Also, Arrington’s offered us each a Zune* if we win in any category, so help us out, friend!

You can nominate us for anything you’d like, of course, but we’d be ticked — tickled — if we were to win “Best computers or technology weblog”, because, well, that’s what we do.

Just add us into this form here and check the confirmation email, and you’ll have done us a favor. And we thank you for that, we thank you.

Tell them how much you love CrunchGear! [2008 Bloggies noms!]

* Not at all true in any way.

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