Online Ad Spending Growth To Slow, No Need To Panic

Figures released by eMarketer show that growth in online advertising will slow, but there’s no need to panic.

According to the report, online advertising growth will slow in 2008 to…wait for it…only 29% and worse still by 2012 online advertising will only grow by 12% compared to 2010.

Now I’ve got the sarcasm out of the way the figures are quite remarkable, particularly at a time where many economists are predicting the United States may well slip into recession, unprecedented Government intervention aside.

The numbers look great for Google, with paid search advertising expected to hover at around 40% of the total online ad spend through to 2012, increasing as a whole from $8.6 billion in 2007 to $16.59 billion in 2012, a 92.9% increase over 5 years.

The are some lower figures, for example the two expected white knights in new media advertising won’t grow to levels many were hoping for, with advertising on social networking sites only expected to be 6% of the overall online ad spend in 2012, and rich media/ video rising to 13.1%; all in all it sounds like an internet in 5 years time that isn’t that much different to now, only with more money in the pot to go around.

According to the NY Times, online advertising will rise from 9.3% of the total ad spend in the United States now to 13.3 percent in 2011.

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