An interview with a Warez Site Owner

Warez Site Owners are just like you and me. They start sites, post links to pirated stuff, and make a little money. Heck, my grampy got his start in early pirated player piano scrolls after disembarking on Ellis Island and ending up in the Polish ghetto. His site — actually a stand on the Bowery — was called GeorgezH()tDiddi3z and it helped him buy a nice house in Ohio and bring over his wife, my sainted grandmother. Those were simpler times.

Now, however, things are different. Steve Bass interviewed a warez site admin who paid $3,000 USD (!!!!!) for a site that now makes a few bucks a day. Why does he do it? For the community. Screw Habitat for Humanity. Join the scene.

Eleven Questions for a Warez Site Owner [PCWorld]

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