Midomi: Better than TrackID

I’m incapable of reciting song lyrics or quote movies. If my life depended on it then I’d no longer be here. I can’t even quote a single line from a movie that I’ve seen over a hundred times like Karate Kid or Harold & Kumar. I’m even worse with songs. I’m the guy that hums along and pipes in sporadically with a line or two. But I can hum the shit out of any song, I just can’t remember the lyrics. And often times I’ll hear a snippet or only catch a few notes. It pisses me off because I know I can’t remember lyrics and it’s always a song I want to hear again. Maybe you’re the opposite or maybe you can do the whole thing William Hung style. There’s always TrackID, but you can’t always whip that out in time, right? Right. You’re pretty much screwed at that point. But if you can remember a few lyrics and possibly hum a bit of the tune then you’re golden with Midomi.

Midomi solves all those issues and is way easier than TrackID. In fact, it’s completely different and shouldn’t really be compared to it. All you have to do is fire up the site and hum a little tune or bust out some lyrics and Midomi will tell you exactly what the song is. You can also use your phone to do the same thing. It even gives you a sample of other users who sang or hummed the exact same thing as you. It’s a quirky little social networking site with a different spin to it. There’s even a widget for you to embed onto other sites so you can use Midomi’s search engine without having to be on the site. Some of the users are great singers. I haven’t found a song that it doesn’t have. Midomi doesn’t convert your singing to text and match it up that way. It matches the rhythm and pitch instead. Check this video out for a comprehensive demo of Midomi. It’s wicked cool and easy to use. Let us know if you found a song that Midomi doesn’t have.

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