Nestoria to offer average house price data via API

I hear from property search engine Nestoria that it is to launch a new feature via its API that allows developers to access metadata about the database. The upshot of this is that you’ll be able to check out what the average prices are for 1,2,3 or 4 bedroom flats and houses etc for all areas in the UK and Spain (the other market Nestoria operates in). Do the other property sites ofer this data via an API in the UK? Not that I’m aware of (though I’m happy to be corrected). Nestoria has a database of 450,000 properties in the UK and around 700,000 properties in the Spain. Right now Nestoria just shows the current prices averages, but over time this data will be saved in order to provide users with historical trends. It makes sense for other property sites, like Extate (which recently announced funding) to launch APIs, because it’s distribution, right? I can’t see this being a Nestoria-only thing forever, by any means.

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