Edgeio Spams Bloggers: Bad Idea

Random spam is never welcome. But when it comes from a company that I co-founded, I think it’s worth criticizing in writing.

Edgeio’s classified listing platform has been doing well. We use it for our CrunchBoard job board, and many other blogs and websites have begun to use it, too. The company recently started reaching out to bloggers to discuss business development deals. Which is fine. But what isn’t fine is random mass emails out to top bloggers (including our own Duncan Riley) to pitch the product.

I emailed Keith Teare, my co-founder and the company’s CEO, who says this was a simple mistake and was only meant to be sent to people they’ve already had direct contact with. That’s fine, but as I said I’m going to call them on this since I’m a stockholder and my name is associated with the company.

Part of my promise to readers is to call things like I see them. Conflicts of interest are disclosed on our about page. And when a company I’m involved with does something I think is particularly smart or not so smart, I will point it out here on TechCrunch. File this one under “not so smart.”

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