Wirenode Brings Mobile Web Editing To Masses

Anyone who says that the mobile Web is following the same path as the World Wide Web clearly doesn’t remember the mid-1990s. The Web didn’t launch with massive retailers, interactive forums and powerful search engines. The whole reason for the new vernacular of terms such as “surfing,” was because this was generally uncharted territory filled with small, and often times personal Web pages.

The Web had been around for a while before Amazon.com, Yahoo! and CNN ever bothered to go online. Back in the early days most Web sites were made at the personal level. But today editing a Web site for the mobile platform isn’t quite so easy as downloading a simple Web editor, or learning a few basic HTML tags. Part of the problem is that the mobile Web means that you’re not just coding for the PC or Mac, you have to consider dozens of constantly changing display sizes and make the pages easy enough to read and navigate on a very small screen.

This is where Wirenode comes in. This company provides a free mobile page editor, which even allows for the uploading of pictures and customization of your pages. The service is currently in beta, but users can register for the service to get coding. While the tools are clearly intended with everyone in mind, some basic HTML understanding will help.

But we’re pleased that the mobile Web isn’t going to have to leave out the little guy. After all, it was the little guy who made the Web what it is today.


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