New Hotness: Meet the iPod Touch

You want more iPod? We’ve got your more iPod. For months and months we’ve been hearing rumors of a full-scree, touch-sensitive iPod, we’ve called it the iPhone without the phone part. Everyone’s wanted it, and now they’ve got it. Steve rolled out the latest iPod today, starting an entirely new class of iPods called the iPod Touch, and it’s exactly what it should be.

Available in a few weeks, the Touch comes in 8GB and 16GB configurations, and is basically a phoneless iPhone. Same basic form factor, same motion-sensing screen turning, same multitouch, same Coverflow browsing, same WiFi, and same Safari. Yah, the amazing mobile Web implementation that Apple brought to the iPhone without signing up for AT&T.

But the WiFi’s not just for Web browsing. You also get the iPhone’s YouTube playback. You also get a wireless iTunes music store. Find a hotspot, find your song, and buy it, just as you would through your desktop iTunes. As Stevie J said, “Apple’s going to do with WiFi what others have failed to do.” That looks likely.

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