CrunchArcade/CrunchFilms: Joust Movie In the Works!?

We don’t get much news from the good dorks over at Ain’t It Cool News, but this one is definitely of interest to CrunchGear readers. There was a very popular game in the 1980s called Joust, where you controlled an ostrichy bird thing and a guy on its back with a lance. You’d bounce around and joust with other people on similar rides. Somebody thinks it’d be a great premise for a “Gladiator meets Mad Max” type movie.

Ok. I am so stoked right now, it’s nuts. After Transformers, I thought we were at the end of geek cinema. I was wrong. I’m first in line.

Hop Onto A Flying Ostrich Thingie!! There’s A JOUST Movie Coming?!?! Remember JOUST? [AICN]

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