Where Did the Zodiac Killer Get His Name?

The movie Zodiac glossed over this point — here is a scene that shows the police examining his watch. However, I think it’s an interesting enough story to bore you with here. A site called Watchismo did an excellent write up which I’ll paraphrase here, but I suggest you drop by and read it.

The Zodiac killer was originally known as the “killer,” he later, after purchasing a Zodiac watch, began using the name and symbol as his calling card. Why? No one knows, but the original piece is quite striking and Zodiac was fairly upscale at the time.

Clearly, the name “Seawolf,” the Zodiac model he wore, might have struck the killer as apt. He was a former navy man and wolf is pretty damn scary. Add in Zodiac’s cross-hairs logo and a little crazy and you’ve got a fascinatingly twisted package.

Zodiac is still making watches under the the auspices of Fossil and though I don’t wear quartz that much, they’re maintaining the same style — and logo — as the original pieces.

The Killer Zodiac Watch of the Zodiac Killer [Watchismo]

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