March of the Penguins: First Linux Handsets Coming in 2008

The penguin is on the march to mobile. Specifically the Linux penguin. The LiMo Foundation this week announced that the first handsets using the Linux-based platform will likely appear during the first half of next year. This collaborative project announced on Monday five new core members and seven associate members to the organization. The new core members include Aplix, Celunite, LG Electronics, McAfee and Wind River. The new associate members include ARM, Broadcom, Ericsson, Innopath, KTF, MontaVista Software and NXP B.V.

The LiMo Foundation is set up so that only core members are allowed to ship commercial products with middleware. The founding members of LiMo include Motorola, NEC, NTT, DoCoMo, Panasonic Mobile Communications, Samsung Electronics and Vodafone Group.

[Via InformationWeek]

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