Speech-to-Text App for Mobile

As someone who learned to type in elementary school the idea of “texting” is just foreign to me. I prefer to use all my fingers to compose a message and devices that have keys share letters can be downright frustrating. But if I could speak a message and then send it as text I’d be very happy indeed. Well, VoiceSignal has heard me loud and clear it seems. The company has just unveiled VoiceMode 2.0, the first continuous dictation solution for mobile handsets.

“VoiceMode 2.0 is another example of VoiceSignal’s leadership in the development of applications that use speech to simplify the operation of a mobile phone,” said Rich Geruson, VoiceSignal CEO. “VoiceMode 2.0 lets people speak naturally to create text messages, documents or add text to applications like the calendar in a much simpler and more convenient manner than they could by just using the keypad. This is another very exciting breakthrough for VoiceSignal.”

This app lets users create text messages by saying what they want rather than having to use the keypad. In addition, VoiceMode 2.0 lets users enter text into any text-based application on a phone including SMS, MMS, e-mail, notes, calendar and even office documents. The VoiceMode dictionary features tens of thousands of words, and other words can be added to allow greater customization. These have to be added manually with the keypad but that’s life.

VoiceMode 2.0 will be available on select Nokia devices, and will arrive in the U.K. and the U.S. later this year.


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