Leopard Will Use ZFS File System: Sun

Sun opened its big, fat mouth today and announced that Apple’s upcoming Mac OS X Leopard will use its ZFS file system as its default. (Macs currently use HFS+ with journaling enabled as the default file system.) A full list of ZFS’ advantages can be found on Sun’s site, but this one caught my eye while quickly glancing over it:

All operations are copy-on-write transactions, so the on-disk state is always valid. There is no need to fsck(1M) a ZFS filesystem, ever. Every block is checksummed to prevent silent data corruption, and the data is self-healing in replicated (mirrored or RAID) configurations. If one copy is damaged, ZFS will detect it and use another copy to repair it.

Oops, now big Papa Jobs is gonna be angry.

Video Announcement [Sun via Mac Rumors]

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