Hey! It's A Zune! And It's Red! But Why?

Not just red, but watermelon red. (But not (PRODUCT)RED, so you’ll have to take your charity business elsewhere.) All the insides are the same, which has already been well established. It’ll be exclusively available on Amazon.com and at Target stores round about June 10.

So, why pink and red this spring/summer? Well, according to the Microsoft spokesperson I spoke to, “the Zune team is experimenting with a variety of shades and hues. These two colors (pink and watermelon red) in particular are trending hot for upcoming spring/summer fashion seasons for both women and men, and we see the Zune brand as naturally reflecting trends of both the entertainment and the fashion worlds.”

So I guess we should be grateful that Day-Glo colors aren’t trending hot. Though, I’d totally be down with a fluorescent blue Zune with RELAX in big, black block letters across the back. More pictures after the jump.

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