Steve and Bill: FIGHT!

Actually, they kind of like each other. Just listen to the gentle lilt of Steve’s voice and observe the shy smile on Bill’s face. Imagine being a fly on the wall back in the green room *wavy TV picture and music*

“Well, this is it, Bill?” Steve smooths out his turtleneck and rubs off some lint with an iRoller.
“PI!” says Bill, putting down his iPaq. He then reverse-engineers OS X and then includes WinFS into the core.

“What’s that Bill?” asks Steve. He moves towards Bill, as if to hug him, but then bends to shine his shoes with some iPolish.
“PI! I can recite it to the 100th place.” says Bill. He starts to look at the light switch and installs Vista onto it.
“Right, Bill. Let’s go out there and knock ’em dead.”
“Melinda made me ice cream.”
“Yes she did, Bill. Yes she did.”

via D5

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