HD DVD Player For Less Than $200: Yes, Kinda, Maybe, Well Not So Much

It all depends on how you do the math and whether you see getting $100 worth of HD DVDs for free is actually “saving” $100. Here’s how the deal works: Buy a Toshiba HD DVD player before the end of July 2007 (the first-gen HD-D1 sells for $290.41 on Amazon) and you get to pick five HD DVD titles (a $100 value!) to be sent to you for free (allow 8-10 weeks for processing).

Of course it’s not just any HD DVD titles. You get to pick five from the list above, one from each category. And since this isn’t a rebate, you’re not really getting a player for less than $200 because you’re still laying out the whole amount and not getting any cash back. You’re just getting five movies that are theoretically worth $100 on top of that $290 (and probably five movies you wouldn’t have purchased in the first place). But hey, it’s something.

Buy a HD DVD Player Now for Less Than $200 [HDDVDFreak.com]
Thanks Stephane!

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