Xbox 360 Elite Officialized Tomorrow

Another day and another Xbox 360 Elite rumor, but this one might actually hold water. GameDaily Biz has been informed by an industry source that Microsoft will officially announce the existence of the Elite sometime tomorrow. Eh. We’ve known about it for months, but it’s always nice when it actually becomes official. If the rumors are true we’ll know for sure that the Elite will have HDMI, as we already know they will be equipped with a 120GB HDD. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and say a prayer to the gaming gods tonight.

Unconfirmed: Xbox 360 Elite to be Announced Tomorrow [GameDaily Biz]

UPDATE – It’s official. AP is reporting:

The new Xbox 360 Elite will sell for $479.99. Consumers who already own the $399.99 20-gigabyte model will be able to buy a snap-on 120-gigabyte hard drive for $179.99.

The new console and the drive are expected to hit U.S. shelves April 29.

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