Griffin Radio Shark 2: Like TiVo For Radio, Now Better Sound Quality

Griffin’s radio Shark, a TiVo-like device that records AM/FM radio onto your computer’s hard drive, has been ever so slightly updated and is now the Radio Shark 2. An included antenna and improved radio chip — which should lead to better sound quality, natch — are the reasons they’re calling this “2” as opposed to “a new Radio Shark.” The device comes with both Mac OS X and Windows software; Windows users get the added benefit of a piece of software that automatically identifies and tags songs as they’re playing — useful in case you hear a song that you’d like to download later at a higher quality, though given the state of radio these days I doubt this scenario will play out very often.

The $50 Radio Shark 2 does a fine job replicating the TiVo experience for radio. Most reviews are favorable while noting that it’s really quite niche-y.

Product Page [Griffin via iLounge]

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