Yahoo Buys MyBlogLog. No, They Didn't. Wait, Yes.

Ok so it’s official and confirmed from Yahoo: They bought MyBlogLog. This was first rumored to be happening in November, but was never confirmed and we updated our post to reflect that. This morning the news broke again but was pulled immediately afterwards. Now it’s popped up again. Since I had no idea if it was going to stick this time, I called Bradley Horowitz, Yahoo’s VP Product Strategy, and he confirmed the acquisition. And Om Malik was actually at dinner with co-founder Scott Rafer when the deal was finalized, so it’s a definite deal.

MyBlogLog will be part of the Yahoo Developer Network and report in to Chad Dickerson (who reports to Bradley). The size of the deal is not being confirmed, although rumors put it at $10 – $12 million.

The fact that MyBlogLog will be in the Yahoo Developers Network is a good signal. Yahoo’s recent acquisitions have been handled pretty well from a user-care standpoint, and it looks like they’ll be taking a similar approach here. Bradley did say that eventually users will be able to log in with their Yahoo IDs, though. That will expand the potential user base significantly.

Congratulations to the MyBlogLog team. This thing took off like a rocket and never looked back, and we are a proud member.

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