Breaking: The Rojas MP3 Player

We just got in news that Jason Calacanis, the former head of Netscape over at AOL, has decided to create the Rojas MP3 Player. The device is named after Engadget’s Peter Rojas and is designed to both play music and download Jason Calacanis’ podcast – CalacanisCast. Seems Rojas and Calacanis have teamed up to create the ultimate tool and music player.

Seriously though, perhaps Mr. Calacanis didn’t take note that his pal Dave Winer was “joking” when he said “Peter would make a better iPod than Steve Jobs.” Calacanis then goes on to tell us about his vision of an MP3 player with WiFi and the ability to sync podcasts and play podcasts and make podcasts and— well, you get the idea. Better get out the VC money, Sand Hill Roaders, because this is the HOT product of the year. For reals.

The Rojas MP3 Player []

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