NxNW up and coming events.

For some weeks now I have been bemoaning the lack of entrepreneurial events occurring north of Marble Arch. Of course if I had looked harder I would have found the excellent Birmingham based Multipack and the Manchester based Geekup developer groups. Both of these groups have been running events for sometime now and both have events coming up shortly – please see details below.

Well I am pleased to announce things are certainly starting to happen “up North” because there are two more new events launching this month. The first is tomorrow night called “First Friday” which is being organised by Ajaz Ahmed of FreeServe fame.

The other event is called “North West Startup 2.0” which is run by Manoj Ranaweera (CEO of ebdex) in Manchester on 23rd November. I must declare that Manoj, Ivan Pope (CEO of Snipperoo) and I have been talking for a few weeks now about organising an entrepreneurs event and I am glad to announce this is now in place.

The event will be free to attend but we ask that you register in advance for the event here on Upcoming.org The other speakers include Imran Ali the deputy to the Director of Orange‘s Technology Research team (based out of Leeds). The plan for the evening is to have a very short keynote speech, followed by an open to the floor Q&A session with the panel. Then when that has finished we will retire to the bar to socialise and network.

List of events:

1. First Friday with Ajaz Ahmed founder of FreeServe

Friday, November 3, 2006

starting at 12:00 PM


National Coal Mining Museum

Caphouse Colliery, Overton
Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF4 4RH


Entrepreneur Social


First Friday is a monthly networking event for Wakefield-based businesses and organised by Wakefield First Development Agency.

2. Multipack November 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

2:00 PM


Lloyds No. 1

Regency Wharf, Broad Street
Birmingham, West Midlands B1 2DS


Geek Social


This is the penultimate meetup of the year for web developers, designers, programmers, and their mates from around the Midlands. Back to the central Midlands and second city Birmingham. Regulars should know this venue quite well by now, but we could easily move to many of the bars along Broad Street, by the canal or to the Mailbox.

3. GeekUp

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

6:00 PM


B Lounge

97 Piccadilly
Manchester, Manchester M1 2DB


Geek Social


GeekUp is a growing community of web designers, web developers, and other web-minded folk from the North West who meetup in Manchester to discuss the latest industry news, share ideas and spread a little knowledge.

Talk(s) start at 7:00PM

4. NW Start Up 2.0

Thursday, November 23, 2006

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM


IoD hub Manchester

Peter House, St Peter’s Square, Oxford Street
Manchester, Manchester M1 5AN




Starting an Internet business? Seasoned entrepreneur? Got the killer idea? Wondering what the 2.0 this and 2.0 that is all about? Looking for investment? Looking to invest?

Come along to the north-west’s first web 2.0 networking event for an evening of conversation. We aim to encourage creative thinking. With input from TechCrunch’s Sam Sethi, Internet original Ivan Pope now Snipperoo and Manchester entrepreneur Manoj Ranaweera of ebdex.

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