Dresses Wriggle, Disappear

<img src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/Summer 2007 collection exhibited in Paris last week. What's that you say? Fasion is for guys who hang out at the Shark Tank on Saturday nights trying to pick up the ladies who work at Teledyne Consulting in Vienna, Virginia? Well, not when it involves boobies.

Chalayan created dresses that turn from ball0gown to flapper dress and then disappear in a rain of crystals, all using animatronics. I'm surprised the fashion folks didn't stand up and call this guy a warlock or something. Warning: turn down your speakers, because the music is enough to drive a man to drink.

What really gave the show a disturbing sense of wake-up-to-reality was the soundtrack. Here, the changing shapes were connected to the sounds of the twentieth century—fragments of music, trench warfare, the ranting of Hitler, aerial bombing, jet engines, the beating of helicopter rotors.

As Bruno once said: “The rise of house music, the fall of apartheid. Coincidence?”

The woman who mistook her dress for a hat [ShowStudio]
Hussein Chalayan [SwarovskiSparklers]

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