HP Puts WiFi in Your TV

HP to Apple: iTV is for suckers. Why, wouldn’t it be easier to build WiFi and a media browser into a TV than require a stand-alone set-top box? Sure, sure, the DVR functionality that may or may not exist might be a sticking point, but if you’re planning on downloading and playing back video from your PC to your TV, why not cut out the middleman?

That’s the promise behind the new 37-inch MediaSmart HD LCD TVs from HP. Aside from the usual input jacks, the new SLC3760N sports WiFi and Ethernet connections to connect to your home network. From there, you can use the included software to stream your video from your PC (no word on Mac support) to the TV, either via your wired or wireless network.

The built-in browser works with this desktop software, which, purportedly, makes it easy to access what you want to watch. And since the PC does the heavy lifting of encoding and organizing your media, format issues should be much easier to solve.

HP Ships WiFi Equipped TV
[Extreme Tech]

Oh, and did we mention it supports DivX natively? Oh, yah, that’s right, you love it.

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