Social Network Backlash (Humor)

I think a lot of people must have gotten one too many Linked-in requests recently, because tonight I came across two “anti-social networks” (although one is just a joke): Isolatr and Snubster.


Isolatr isn’t a real service, but it should be. Sean Bonner of Metroblogging created the site, which promises to “help you find where other people aren’t”. For bonus content, check out the FAQs (every answer is “no”). I love the attention to detail, like calling it a beta service, leaving the “e” out of the name and adding fake quotes from Doc Searls and Xeni Jardin.

Chris Pirillo has been asking for something like this (but real) for ages. Valleywag has more.


Bryant Choung’s Snubster is an actual, live service. It helps you notify people, and the world, that you are pissed off at someone. The “On Notice” feature tells them that they have committed an “infraction” and are in a suspension period. If they really screw up, you can state that they are “Dead to Me”. Each user has a profile (example) where they can get into the juicy details. The only question I have is, why is there an “e” before the “r” in the snubster name?

Any other good ones out there that I’ve missed?

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