Web2.0 or Not?

This is too good not to post. Web2.0 or Not? is the tongue-in-cheek, hugely sarcastic and quite funny creation of Ryan King and Eran Globen. Yeah, its HotOrNot for Web 2.0 companies.

These two guys, who by the way are brilliant engineers (Ryan consults with Technorati, Eran works at Jeteye), have been keeping things lively with their various projects, another of which is Supr.c.ilio.us, which describes itself as “social social tagging site tagging”. The top tag is “tagging”. Yeah, they’re making fun of the rest of us. Read their blog post on the Slide party last weekend as well.

All I can hope is that these guys continue to do what they are doing. And yes, we’ve added TechCrunch to Web2.0OrNot to see what people think. :-)

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