Profile – SpringDoo

Company: SpringDoo

Launched: Today in the US (previsously New Zealand only)

What is it?

Springdoo is an easy to use service where you call a toll free phone number, record a message, and then can have the message sent via email to your contacts. The email contains a link to the springdoo site, where the message is automatically played – it is not sent as a file attachment.

The service is not free, but you get 10 minutes free by signing up. The service charges a minimum of one minute, and in 20 second intervals after the first minute. The charge applies to the length of the message recorded, so if you send a one minute message to 20 people only one minute is charged.

It is currently available in New Zealand, Australia, the UK and the US.

Here’s How it works: You call the phone number (your caller id must be on), record a message, select emails to send it to (up to 20) and send. The recipients receive an email, click on the link and listen to the message.

A sample message can be heard here. We’ve recorded a test message here. Yes, “Su Su” is much hotter than me and has a cool New Zealand accent. :-)

Additional Screen Shots:


Jason Kerr, CEO


Simple Email, About, Help

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