yahoo boss

When Yahoo handed search over to Microsoft, it shut down some of its developer programs but one that survived was Yahoo BOSS, its search API for other websites. Last summer,…

After months of silence, Yahoo’s BOSS team is opening up to frustrated third party developers about the future of the powerful search platform. A few hours ago, Yahoo’s Ashim Chhabra…

Yahoo Loses The Brains Behind Boss

1:09 pm PST • November 25, 2009

The brains behind Yahoo Boss, a young engineer named Vik Singh, is leaving Yahoo to become an entrepreneur-in-residence at Sutter Hill Ventures. Earlier this year, Singh was named to Technology…

Yahoo BOSS Might Be Bigger Than Bing

8:17 pm PDT • August 18, 2009

One of the least appreciated, but smartest, moves Yahoo has made in the past year is to launch Yahoo BOSS, its open search APIs which lets developers create their own…

Yahoo is announcing several changes to its Search BOSS service, which lets developers incorporate web results from Yahoo’s main search index into their own web apps. The biggest of these…

[youtube] Getting someone to try a new search engine is not easy. In this Friday’s Elevator Pitch, Herbert Roitblat tries to entice you to try his new green search…