Media Servers

[photopress:nz2.jpg,full,center] Back in the ’90s, we all thought convergence was going to be watching TV on your computer, or browsing the Internet on your TV. Now that we have it,…

[photopress:archostvplus.jpg,full,center] It looks like the Archos TV+ came out in Europe before here, what with every British tech site having already given their first impression. The little device is a…


Alienware lands a media mothership

2:13 pm PST • February 4, 2008

[photopress:hd_media_server_features.jpg,full,left] Sure, this thing isn’t for everybody, but some of you are going to be drooling on your lobster bibs. Alienware is expanding into your home even more with this…

“Shoot, I should’ve gone with Blu-ray.” “Wow, HD DVD is much better than I thought…” Torn between which high-def format to support? Like LG before it (and Samsung sometime in…