
Update: Twitter has relaunched Twitter Blue, and Musk says Twitter will remove all legacy check marks “in a few months.” Twitter is rumored to re-roll-out its flopped Twitter Blue subscription…

Schrödinger’s blue check: According to Twitter, I may or may not be notable

The vomit kings of Chicago

12:40 pm PST • December 14, 2007

Too often we forget the small things that make us so happy. Take Fun, Inc., makers of magic tricks and, most importantly, fake vomit. Buy a kid a Wii, he’ll…

Someone over at BoingBoing is on a rant again (go figure). This time, it’s about America’s lack of farmers. Did you know that there are 4 million active World of…

Instead of making pithy jokes about this Tape Tape Dispenser, which you can get for about $25, we figured we’d let you, the readers, make them. Please use the comments…

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of a potentially good joke ruined by poor execution. Such is the case when The Onion, America’s finest news source, had a dolphin…