
http://www1.funnyordie.com/public/flash/fodplayer.swf?36e2ccefHuman Giant – Corn Chowder w/ Rob Riggle on FunnyOrDie.com With O2 and AT&T reporting contract signings at their respective sales points, I think the idea of an unlocked iPhone…

All of you with a jailbroken iPhone should check out iSlsk (it’s on Big Boss), an application that connects your little wonderdevice to the SoulSeek file-sharing network. SoulSeek, for the…

[photopress:Picture_51.jpg,full,center] I’ve been keeping up with jailbreaking the iPod Touch here on the Help-Keys, and I know its helped a lot of people to open up their hardware. Make no…

[photopress:ipodtouch_1.jpg,full,center] It’s me! And I can’t get it out of “Restore” mode. Be careful when Jailbreaking, friends!

For Help-Key this week (now on Thursday’s, just like LOST), I’d planned to show you how to Jailbreak a 16GB iPod Touch, the one thing the automatic Jailbreaking apps can’t…


Jailbreaking 1.1.4 firmware

8:19 pm PST • February 29, 2008

Just went through a bit of trouble with the 1.1.4 firmware. I had to restore to the unadulterated 1.1.4 firmware and then restore from backup to get it to work.…

If you’re like me, you’re putting off upgrading your iPhone to 1.1.4 until the iJailbreaking software is ready. But we might not have to wait long. We got in touch…

[photopress:1131.jpg,full,center] It’s Jailbreak day here on CrunchGear, as another app has just been released, and it’s the easiest to use yet, as it’s an over the air updater for previously…

We’re hearing rumors around the inboxen that there will be yet another way to Jailbreak iPhones and iPod Touches released either later tonight or early tomorrow. It’s an OTA upgrade,…


Easy iJailbreak realeased for OS X

2:20 pm PST • January 28, 2008

Attention, iPhone and iPod Touch owners: iJailbreak for 1.1.3 is out today. It’s a fairly simple and straightforward way to upgrade to the 1.1.3 firmware while keeping your handheld open.…

Okay, so apparently you can attach this thing to the existing SIM card inside your iPhone and it’ll filter all the info that’s passed back and forth, effectively unlocking your…


Jailbreak for OS X

11:29 pm PST • January 24, 2008

Mac OS Xers can now get their jailbreak on. All the fun starts here.

The biggest problem I had with the iPhone, some readers will recall, was the actual phone portion. I thought it was a fantastic Web device and a super iPod, but…


1.1.2 Jailbreak released

9:43 am PST • November 12, 2007

So, how about those Mets. They were robbed, right? So we had some lasagna last night. I made it with these freeze-dried noodle things. You just put the noodles in…


1.1.2 iPod Touch firmware jailbroken

4:05 pm PST • November 9, 2007

Yawn. It’s not even a challenge any more. A few hours after its unofficial release — seriously, this firmware isn’t even out yet and it’s already broken — haxors have…

Tomorrow could mark yet another showdown between Apple and the iPhone unlockers. Firmware 1.1.2 “drops” (look, I’m using words that young people use!) tomorrow on iTunes and brings only the…

To jailbreak your 1.1.1 firmware iPhone or Touch, begin by gathering the following tools: A screwdriver A putty knife That blue stuff barbers put their combs in Pop Rocks A…

13-year-old AriX wrote a GUI for jailbreaking the iPod Touch. That’s right — no more typing in weird commands and staring into space as your device gets bricked. I haven’t…

The DevTeam so close to a fully-working 1.1.1 iPhone that I can taste here in my Brooklyn basement. Good on ’em. Thus far they’ve Jailbroken the firmware and now have…