hiring engineers

To improve close rates for technical interviews, give applicants feedback (good or bad)

Technical interviews are a black box — candidates usually are told whether they made it to the next round, but they rarely find out why.

3 strategies to make adopting new HR tech easier for hiring managers

Recruiting for technical roles can be challenging. There are often too many roles to fill, too many or too few candidates to interview and not enough time to get it all done.

Prima donna engineers

In a world where engineers truly are the new rock stars and markets continue to be moderately funded, it is not uncommon to witness or experience the engineering "prima donna effect." I’ve gently su

Build An Offshore Development Team That Won’t Suck

The No. 1 problem of almost every Silicon Valley entrepreneur is finding engineers. Developers in San Francisco are similar to apartments in San Francisco -- really expensive, hard to get and even har

Hiring Great Engineers: Kleiner Perkins’ Mike Abbott Explains How

Editor’s note: Derek Andersen is the founder of Startup Grind, a 35-city event series hosted in 15-countries that educates, inspires, and connects entrepreneurs. He also founded Commonred (acqu